Basic methods and skills of training dogs

05/01/2020 | Mr SH 728 view
Dogs have always been an animal associated with humans for thousands of years. It is known as a loyal friend, a companion with you and your family. It are taught and trained in the skills needed to be close and safe to people.

Dogs have always been an animal associated with humans for thousands of years. It is known as a loyal friend, a companion with you and your family. In many cases, it can also become a nanny because they are very intelligent. It is an agile animal and has a higher self-thinking ability than other animals. They can understand simple commands such as standing, sitting, taking objects from afar if you train them properly. And the information below will be useful lessons for you on basic dog training methods and skills:

Methods for establishing a relationship with a dog

The process of putting a dog's proper relationship with her dog depends a lot on how she is interacting with the dog for the first time, ie on how to get used to it first. So be bold but also very cautious dealing with all the uncertainty about the dog's character. Excessive caressing and harsh handling of dogs should be avoided. First method: When in contact with dogs, should immediately call its own name and for bait. If the dog immediately becomes an indicator of a trusting relationship, petting it and then taking it for a walk, have a lead. It is best to interact with the dog when its owner is not available, to whom he is accustomed. The second method: The owner takes the dog for a walk, while the person who teaches it comes from behind the donkey to take the lead without letting the dog know (if the dog has to wear a muzzle) and continue walking the dog , and the owner of the dog cheated to escape. Thus, the dog trainer begins to have a relationship with the dog from its initial contact with it. The dog's attachment to a new trainer is gradually increased during the care, nurturing and training routine and lessening the intimidation and fear of this new person.

Build a good relationship with your dog from first contact

Signs that you and your dog are in a good relationship

The following signs are typical signs of a good dog-trainer relationship: When the dog instructor approaches the barn, the dog jumps, the front legs cling to the net, hissing. After the dog instructor left, the dog watched, jumped and clung to the iron net, hissed, which meant following him. When the dog instructor hides something and orders it, the dog immediately runs to that place and comes into contact with it.

Signs that you and your dog have a good relationship

Dog training in a free state

During training and when using the dog as an expert, it is necessary to give the dog a regular rest, to allow the dog to walk freely ... Therefore, it is necessary to train the dog to go into a state of freedom by order. or follow a coach's gesture from any situation. Conditional stimuli dictate walking and a gesture of swinging your right hand from the bottom to the shoulder level toward the dog. Unconditional stimuli are stimuli that occur inside the dog's body causing unconditionally complex reflexes. Free dog training begins on the first days of contact with the dog. Orders must be short, concise, clear, resolute and powerful in order for dogs to follow and not be ignored in order to create discipline.

Dog training in a free state

Basic methods and skills of training dogs

Conditional reflexes for commands and gestures are practiced in parallel. These initial exercises are made in easier conditions. Take short steps, giving the dog the ability to walk freely with a long lead, then call the dog, pet him, feed the bait and repeat the exercise. When ordered to go for a walk and follow the trainer's gesture, the dog quickly goes into a free state and must switch to a more complex exercise. If during the first time the dog goes for a walk, then the time between the walks should be increased to train the dog to get used to the stressful work without stopping. The purpose of the final training period is to train the dog in a free state in complex ambient conditions.

Training methods and skills are needed

Mistakes to avoid during dog training

Release the dog to a free state when the collar is too tight. While taking a walk, unplugging is not necessary. The voice command is very loud. The owner of the dog must follow the training center's instructions for using the dog after the training period. Avoid making dogs perform acts that are contrary to what dogs are taught.

What are some common mistakes in dog training?


Keyword Build a good relationship with your dog from first contact Signs that you and your dog have a good relationship Dog training in a free state Training methods and skills are needed What are some common mistakes in dog training?

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